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How Does the Climate Crisis Impact Eating Disorders?

How Does the Climate Crisis Impact Eating Disorders?

Every day when I take my walk with my dogs, I try to take time to thank the trees around me, the earth below me and the birds flying above me. It might sound silly, but this daily connection to nature is extremely grounding for me. It reminds me that we are all part of something...

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8 Thinking Traps in Eating Disorders & OCD

8 Thinking Traps in Eating Disorders & OCD

Do you know what cognitive distortions are? You can think of them like ‘thinking traps.' Many people struggle with these, and if you have an eating disorder, OCD or anxiety- chances are you are getting trapped in these thinking styles more often than not. Becoming aware of when and...

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Rediscovering your TRUE self in Eating Disorder Recovery

Rediscovering your TRUE self in Eating Disorder Recovery

One important thing in terms of sustaining recovery is reconnecting with and rediscovering who you are without the eating disorder. That sounds great, right? But how do we get there? This is something I commonly get asked by clients. It can feel daunting or even impossible. Many...

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Self-Care During Eating Disorder Recovery

Self-Care During Eating Disorder Recovery

Choosing to recover from an eating disorder is not an easy decision. For so long, you’ve spent your time and energy trying to change the body you’re in so that your appearance would match society’s standards for size and weight. It can be hard to remind yourself that you are worthy...

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Supporting a Loved One in Eating Disorder Recovery

Supporting a Loved One in Eating Disorder Recovery

Supporting a child, spouse, family member or friend going through ED recovery is no easy feat. Eating Disorders have a way of wreaking havoc on relationships. I often call them the ‘disorders of disconnection’ because for the person suffering they become all consuming. The sufferer...

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Coping with Food Guilt in Eating Disorder Recovery

Coping with Food Guilt in Eating Disorder Recovery

ood guilt...that uncomfortable feeling you get after eating a challenge food in recovery. The feeling that often accompanies anxiety, fear and makes you feel like you have done something wrong. This term 'food guilt' is a common experience for ED sufferers and it was one of the...

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ERP Therapy for OCD

ERP Therapy for OCD

If you or someone you know has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), chances are you’ve considered mental health therapy as a treatment option. But not all types of therapy are best suited to help people with OCD. It’s important to find a therapist that specializes in treating OCD...

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