
Check out my courses on Eating Disorder Recovery (for providers and folks in recovery) as well as my Eating Disorder & OCD Course (for ED providers). Both of these courses are online, self paced, and provide tons of education and tools in order to assist your recovery or for you to learn more about treating this population! I offer discounts for BIPOC & LGBTQAII+ folks, so please email me if this is you!
I have three online, self paced courses if you’re looking for more than therapy! My online courses include: Essential Skills for Eating Disorder Recovery (for folks in recovery as well as clinicians wanting to learn more), Treating Co-Occurring OCD with Eating Disorders (for ED clinicians) and The Mixed Experience Course (for mixed race folks wanting to connect to their mixed race identity as well as providers wanting to learn more about the mixed race population and special considerations for treatment). Click here to access my ED/OCD courses and here to access The Mixed Experience Course.